A Guide on Configuring Topics

Best practices, recommendations, and an overview on what each configuration means


The admin panel (ilove.slang.ai) offers many great options to customize your concierge to fit your business needs! This can be intimidating, but we're here to help make the process as easy as possible. Read on for more information!


General Notes and Don'ts

Questions are not needed in your copy! We've taken care of all the questions and conversational design, so you can focus on getting the most important information across to your callers.

It's best practice to avoid starting your copy with affirmative statements (e.g. "of course" or "yes"), as it could sound weird when a caller asks a question that wouldn't normally be answered as such:

Caller: "What's parking like?"

Concierge: "Of course, we offer valet onsite."

Don't forget to add periods to the end of sentences in your copy. Without them, the concierge will read everything as one long run-on sentence, and that's not a great caller experience.


    • Don't include questions at any point.
    • Don't start statements with affirmatives.
    • Don't forget to add periods.


By default, the concierge will greet callers with "Hi, thanks for calling [your location's name]. Just so you know, we're speaking on a recorded line. How can I help?"

When you choose the option to include a tagline, it will be placed between the business name and the recording disclaimer.

"Hi, thanks for calling [your location's name]. [Tagline.] Just so you know, we're speaking on a recorded line. How can I help?"

This tagline can be a full sentence, or just a fragment you'd like to add to get important information in front of callers. Whether you want to use the tagline for marketing or for special notices is up to you!

"Hi, thanks for calling Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. Just so you know, we're speaking on a recorded line. How can I help?"

"Hi, thanks for calling Pizza Planet. We will be closed Wednesday the 5th for repairs. Just so you know, we're speaking on a recorded line. How can I help?"

After inputting your tagline, you can listen to how your concierge will greet callers. This is a great point to ensure the pronunciation of your business is correct or test new voices!

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Topics Available to All Concierges


Your location's physical address should be configured here. We recommend a straightforward "Our address is..." for this one. You can also include a Google Maps link to be texted to your caller. If you have directions also configured (see below for more), the follow up question to the caller will be "Do you want to hear directions, too?"

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We recommend starting with the phrase “We’re located in / at / between / near” with contextual details like cross streets or highway exits, neighborhood info, nearby milestones, or key public transit information - whatever will help guests find your location!

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A note on Address and Directions:

These answers can sometimes be included in the same response, depending on the question asked by your caller, so it’s a best practice to not repeat the same information between the two options!

Family Friendly

Configure this topic for age-related policies, such as 21+ only, age-restricted hours, or to include a link to a kid's menu. If you select "no," you have the option to include additional information regarding the policy (e.g. "We are a 21+ establishment after 8pm.")

Menu and Price Description

Configuring this setting is the opportunity to describe your cuisine, price considerations (flat menu price per person), prix fixe courses, etc. You can also add a menu link via the drop down.


In this topic, you will want to include parking options available, such as parking lots, garages, street parking, valet, or shuttles. It is also helpful to include prices, if applicable, and whether your location offers validation.

Regular Events

In this topic, if you select "yes," you can describe the type of events your location has (e.g. live music on Tuesdays, comedy Fridays, etc.) and optionally include a link to your events calendar.

Seasonal Events

Seasonal events include holidays (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas, etc.) and promotional events (restaurant week). If you select "yes" for this topic, you can optionally include a link to the specials menu for that upcoming event.

Due to the nature of this topic, the copy may be changed more frequently than others.


Generic, weekly specials (e.g. happy hour or wing Wednesdays) can be put under this topic with a description and a link to any accompanying menus.

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Full Service Topics Only

Dress Code

The dress code topic can be configured to outline appropriate dress for your establishment (either as general as "business casual" or more specific like "please refrain from wearing sports logos while in our dining room"). If you select "no" for this topic, the default answer to dress code questions will be "Great question. Casual dress is fine."

Large Party

If a caller indicates that they want to make a reservation for a party larger than the specified Max Reservation Size under the Reservation topic, they will be provided the information configured for the large party topic. Here, you can inform callers with how you would like to receive these requests, whether by transferring directly to the staff, via email, or through an online form that you can provide a link for.

Outside Wine

If you allow diners to bring in their own wine, you can customize your policy regarding corkage fees, if applicable. For standardized policies, there is an option to state the fee per bottle. If you have a more nuanced policy, clicking on Custom policy will allow you to elaborate. If you have a link available to a wine list, you can include it below the text box.

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Private Dining

The private dining configuration differs from Large Party in that this is for those looking for room buyouts, corporate events, wedding parties, birthday celebrations, etc. If you have a form for these requests, include them in the link option so callers can submit those inquiries easily.


Configure the walk-ins topic to provide information to callers on whether a reservation is required, recommended, or whether you have specific instructions for walk-ins. If you select "yes" for this topic, you can provide further information to your callers.


Have Questions?

Need more assistance or have a question? Shoot us an email at support@slang.ai. Our dedicated support team is available to help with any questions you might have, so don't hesitate to reach out!