
A tour of the Insights dashboard, what each metric means, and how it impacts your business.


Our Insights page provides a wealth of information that is pertinent in measuring the success of your concierge. In this article, we will go through what each metric entails, how you might utilize the analytics, and any notes regarding those metrics. Click below to jump to a section.



Time Unlocked

    • Total number of calls handled by the concierge multiplied by 2 minutes (the average time a human takes to handle a call)
This is time unlocked and given back to your staff to focus on in-person guest interactions or other duties since Slang is taking care of those inbound calls.

Reservations Set

    • Total number of reservations successfully set over the phone

Note: This currently only applies for concierges with OpenTable Integration. More integrations to be added soon!

Coinciding Calls

    • Total number of calls that occur at the same time where a human would not be able to pick up or a inbound call could not get through (such as if two calls came in at once for a single line)
This metric highlights how Slang can help guests always get an answer even when the staff is busy or your phone lines are tied up.

Guest Satisfaction

    • Percentage of callers who responded to the post-call survey with a "yes" response when asked if Slang was able to successfully answer their question

Total Inbound Calls (Metric + Graph)

    • Total calls by day over a given time frame

Note: To accurately see this data point over a specific time frame, please ensure your view (via the dropdown menu in the top right) matches the view you'd like to see. See below for an example.

Slang admin date view

During vs After Hours Calls

    • Using hours from your Google Business profile, we tag each inbound call for the day as either being in or outside your hours of operation

Hours are checked daily for changes to ensure any updates you make are reflected in Slang automatically.

Note: if you've elected to have Slang answer calls exclusively after hours, this metric will reflect that and show 100%.

Call Topics

    • Policies that guests interact with most when calling into your business
Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 8.06.39 AM

Tip: hover over each section to see the number of interactions per topic.


Conversation Breakdown

Restaurant Answer Rate

    • Percentage of calls Slang transfer vs the number of calls we don’t detect an answer for
This metric can be helpful to know that if a caller does need to speak to a human, their calls are still being answered.

Unanswered Calls

    • A count of all the calls that Slang transferred to your business that were not picked up by a human. When a call is not answered or hits voicemail, we consider it unanswered

New vs Repeat callers

    • Phone numbers are tracked through the concierge and then marked as a new or repeat caller

This references phone numbers as far back as you’ve been a live customer of Slang. These data points get better the longer you use Slang. This metric can help you understand how many repeat callers interact with the concierge to continue using it.

Note: the chart will show from within the specified time frame (selected via the drop down in the top right).

Conversation Breakdown

    • Fully Automated - Successfully handled without needing to involve staff
    • Partially Automated - Successfully handled but the guest still requested to speak to staff
    • Transferred - Caller requested a topic that is specifically set to forward to staff (e.g. catering, miscellaneous questions, etc.)
    • Bypass - The concierge was not asked a question, and the guest immediately requested to speak to a staff member

It’s common that Slang can handle a request to schedule a reservation or explain the happy hour menu, but callers will sometimes ask for a staff member afterward to provide more details before they come in or to speak to someone specific.

Transferred Calls by Hour

    • Calls that Slang transferred based on guest request or not being able to successfully answer their question while on the call
This metric can help better understand business needs and when call volume might increase enough to warrant staffing the phones.


SMS Breakdown

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 8.08.32 AM

SMS Sent

    • Number of text messages sent to callers

Opt-in Rate

    • Percentage of callers that opt-in, or say "yes", when offered information via text

Call to Text Ratio

    • Number of total calls divided by the opt-in rate


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my data is showing a 0?

Some metrics are tied to specific policies or integrations of the concierge, so the dashboard will not have a reportable metric if those are not applicable to your configuration. For example, the Reservations Set only shows data for concierges with OpenTable integration.

Why does my data look out of date?

Please note that there is a 24 hour delay on data. Our reporting updates every night with the previous day's insights.

What does it mean by "monthly change" (insight deltas)?

Deltas, or monthly changes, show the metric's change from the prior month. For example, if you are looking at April 25th, the monthly change will be comparing that data to March 25th of the previous month. 

Can I get my report emailed to me?

Yes, we send out a recap every Monday to users who have access to a Slang account. If you do not receive this email, reach out to Support ( for assistance.


Have more questions?

Need more assistance or have a question? Shoot us an email at Our dedicated support team is available to help with any questions you might have, so don't hesitate to reach out!